

夏季时间:2024年5月13日- 7月26日 Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm

英语语言学习 and 高中毕业 Volunteer Opportunities

你有可以帮助你的社区的才能吗? 今天和我们一起做志愿者!

Hawkeye’s 英语语言学习 (ELL) and 高中毕业 (HSC) classes at the 凡克. 米勒成人学习中心 operate on the semester-system with 16-week fall and spring semesters as well as more limited special summer options.

The 英语语言学习 program offers eight levels of free English classes for adult immigrants and refugees. 类包括语言, 读写能力, 阅读, 写作, 听, 说话, 词汇表, 语法, 发音, 数学, 金融知识, 数字素养, 家庭文化, 公民, 公民身份, 生活技能, 工作技能, 以及学校技能. 了解更多关于英语语言学习项目的信息.

The 高中毕业 program provides classes for students who are studying to earn their High School Equivalency Diploma by completing the HiSET exams. 类 focus on building the 技能 necessary for success, 包括阅读, 写作, 数学, 社会研究, 和科学, as well as providing 数字素养 and college preparation. Remedial instruction in 阅读 and 数学 is also provided for students who need to first develop those 技能 to be successful in the program. 了解更多关于高中完成计划.

We are currently searching for a dedicated volunteer who would like to help coordinate our volunteers. In the meantime, we will not be onboarding or accepting applications for new volunteers. If you are interested in applying for the dedicated volunteer position, 请联系劳拉·希德勒博, 成人教育和扫盲项目主任, 在劳拉.hidlebaugh@hawkeyecollege.Edu或319-296-4278.



作为职业顾问,你要提供指导, 动机, 情感支持, 并成为一个榜样. 你将帮助指导学生探索职业, 完整应用程序, 设定目标, 在社区中建立联系, 并确定社区所需的资源.


  • Understand the needs that are relevant to the student's goals.
  • 评估学生的个人特征, 技能, 寻找合适的潜在就业机会.
  • 在当地的就业市场上调查一下空缺职位.
  • Provide advice on resumes, applications and interview techniques.
  • 将学生推荐给过渡专家, 根据需要, to help students get the information they need about furthering their education.
  • 帮助学生设定目标.
  • Help the student understand the barriers they are facing.
  • 提供积极的激励和鼓励.
  • Complete a Google Form to document progress after each advisory session and record volunteer hours.


The 教室助理 will help the students in the classroom that need additional support.


  • Assist the 英语语言学习 or 高中毕业 classroom instructor 根据需要/asked
  • 在课堂上与学生互动
  • Assist students who need additional support to become independent learners.


  • Help students understand instructions/assignments given by instructors.
  • 解释具有挑战性的内容或概念.
  • 给出额外的例子或解释.
  • 提供积极的激励和鼓励.
  • 协助完成活动和任务.
  • Assist with classroom technology (laptop, iPad, Gmail, etc.)
  • Help with general classroom management by keeping students engaged.


A Conversation Partner is a person who will help 英语语言学习 students practice and improve English through conversations.


  • Help 英语语言学习 students practice and improve their English through conversations
  • 以一种吸引人的方式进行对话
  • 问一些开放式的问题,让学生开口说话
  • Give the student positive feedback on how to improve 发音 and 词汇表 if you are comfortable doing so.


  • 帮助学生练习和提高英语水平
  • 提供积极的激励和鼓励.
  • 问一些开放式的问题让学生开口说话



作为面试工作坊的志愿者, you will be helping our students get job-ready by giving the student practice interviews. Volunteers will conduct a mock interview with our students and will evaluate their interviewing 技能. These "interviews" help the students put what they know and what they don't know about an interview to work. The students should come dressed in their formal business attire and bring copies of their new resumes, 准备好给人留下深刻印象. Mock Interviewers are asked to give feedback to the students to help them understand what businesses will be looking for.


简历写作是任何求职的重要组成部分. 学生 will have the opportunity to learn how to create an effective resume or improve the one they already have. The workshop will guide the student in the use of online resume building. Resume Writing volunteers are needed to help students understand the importance of a good resume. 学生 wanting help with resume 写作 will be offered workshops.


导师将在凡克帮助学生. 米勒成人学习中心 understand and learn academic subject matter classes in subject areas (数学, 写作/语法, 词汇表, 阅读, 科学, 社会研究, 数字素养, and college preparation) and assist students to become independent learners.


  • Understand the subject matter that is relevant to the student's tutoring needs.
  • Help students understand assignments given by instructors.
  • Document students’ progress to share with the instructor.
  • Help students prepare for a test by reviewing the material.
  • 创造一个有趣的学习环境.
  • 提供积极的激励和鼓励.

导师必须在上课前一小时到场, 课后一小时, 或者由导师和学生事先安排.




  • 年满18岁;
  • 高中毕业或同等学历;
  • 能通过背景调查,而且
  • 完成志愿者培训.


  • Has experience working with students (英语语言学习, 高中毕业, 成年人, 年轻的成年人, immigrants/refugees) and working one-on-one or in small groups.
  • Is competent in relevant aforementioned skill areas and the ability to guide the student to improve their academic performance.
  • 有优秀的口头和书面沟通能力.
  • 有有效的时间管理.



志愿者将来到凡克. 米勒成人学习中心 for an orientation and set up training before beginning the job assignment. The Department of Education requires volunteers to receive six hours of pre-service training. 志愿者协调员在需要时提供支持, as well as support from the classroom instructor and program manager/coordinator.


This position offers the volunteer a multitude of benefits including making a difference in the life of a student at 凡克. 米勒成人学习中心, 创建简历, 获得辅导成人学生的经验, 完成志愿服务时间, 扩大个人和职业网络.

