
行业4.0 is characterized by industries combining the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) with cyber-physical systems and advanced 自动化 technologies to bring improvements in industrial efficiency and productivity.

所有课程均以行业认可为基础 Smart Automation Certification Alliance (SACA) standards and are appropriate for individuals seeking to become familiar with 行业4.0 factory floor 自动化 equipment and processes.


  • Anyone who wants to learn skills for a new career.
  • Individuals who already work in manufacturing or advanced manufacturing occupations that want to advance.
  • 从事维修工作的人, IT, or 工程师ing and seek to become versed in basic factory floor controls, 自动化, 和编程.

C-101认证行业.0关联1 -基本操作

This competency-based course will prepare you to succeed in modern production environments that utilize 行业4.0控制, 自动化, and processes and also learn how to analyze and modify these modern production control systems.


  • Concepts and Terminology of Smart 制造业
  • Basic Setup, Adjustment and Operation of Automated Machines
  • 安全及手动工具
  • 蓝图和示意图阅读
  • 精密测量
  • Basic 电 Control, Pneumatic, and Sensor Systems Operation
  • 机器人基本操作和术语
  • Production Monitoring via HMI, Internet, Ethernet, and Smart Phones
  • 数控的概念
  • 职场沟通



  • 2024年3月18日至5月13日上午8:00 - 10:00
  • 2024年3月18日- 5月13日下午5:30 - 7:30
  • 2024年5月20日- 7月12日下午5:30 - 7:30

类满足: 星期一至星期五
成本: $1,295
地点: TechWorks校园 – 西田大道360号nue, Waterloo, Iowa




This competency-base course will prepare you to analyze and modify modern production control systems that use 行业4.0自动化技术和流程.


  • Smart 制造业 System Metrics and Optimization
  • Setup, Adjustment, and Operation of 电脑 Controlled Machines
  • 以太网基本操作
  • Basic Programmable Controller Programming and Operation
  • Basic 机械 and Hydraulics System Operation and Adjustment
  • Basic Mechatronic Systems Programming and Operation
  • 基本的机器人和CNC编程/操作
  • 人机界面和操作



  • 2024年3月18日至5月13日上午8:00 - 10:00
  • 2024年3月18日- 5月13日下午5:30 - 7:30
  • 2024年5月20日- 7月12日下午5:30 - 7:30

类满足: 星期一至星期五
成本: $1,295
地点: TechWorks校园 – 西田大道360号nue, Waterloo, Iowa



C-103认证行业.助理III -机器人系统操作

Robot System Operations certification is an introductory credential that prepares individuals to operate industrial robots and other industry 4.0 technologies in a modern production environment.

This certification is ideal for manufacturing 技术员s, 维修技术人员, and IT professionals seeking to become versed in robot system operations.

本课程是为操作人员设计的, 技术员, 工程师, 或者必须设置的程序员, 记录, and/or troubleshoot programs on the HandlingTool software package. The course covers the HandlingTool application, 测试, 运行, and refining the program and production setup.

Recommended safety procedures are integrated into all training exercises.

这门课程由讲座组成, 章评论, 示威活动, and a series of lab exercises designed to reinforce what the student has learned. In addition to lab exercises, a pre-test, and post-test are used to measure mastery of objectives.


  • Identify safety hazards and apply safe working practices when working with automated equipment.
  • Demonstrate ability to set up and jog a 6-axis robot.
  • Demonstrate an ability to appropriately start, operate, and shut down an industrial robotic cell.
  • Demonstrate an ability to effectively define tool center points (TCP).
  • Develop an understanding of the various coordinate systems used in robotic programming applications.
  • Demonstrate ability to backup and restore individual files and programs.
  • Demonstrate an ability to recover robot operation from common faults and errors.
  • Demonstrate an ability to monitor, force, and simulate robot inputs and outputs.
  • Create and execute MACRO’s commands within a robotic application.
  • Demonstrate an ability to create programs with a subroutine structure.
  • Demonstrate an ability to modify programmed positions.
  • Develop an understanding robot Smart 制造业 Concepts.


上课日期: 2024年3月18日- 4月22日
类满足: 星期一,星期三,星期五
上课时间: 上午8:00 - 11:00 -或下午4:30 - 7:30
成本: $780
地点: TechWorks校园 – 西田大道360号nue, Waterloo, Iowa



C-103认证行业.助理III -机器人系统操作 and Simulation

Robot System Operations and Simulation course is an introductory course that prepares individuals to operate industrial robots and other industry 4.0 technologies in a modern production environment.

This certification is ideal for manufacturing 技术员s, 维修技术人员, and IT professionals seeking to become versed in robot system operations.

本课程是为操作人员设计的, 技术员, 工程师, 或者必须设置的程序员, 记录, and/or troubleshoot programs on HandlingTool software package.

The course is divided into two sections that covers the HandlingTool application and RoboGuide simulation. HandlingTool application covers 测试, 运行, and refining the program and production setup.

Recommended safety procedures are integrated into all training exercises.

RoboGuide simulation covers creating a handlingPro virtual work cell that contains a FANUC robot with end of arm tooling, one or more fixtures for holding parts and a teach pendant program that moves parts from one fixture to another.

这门课程由讲座组成, 章评论, 示威活动, and a series of lab exercises designed to reinforce what the student has learned. In addition to lab exercises, a pre-test, and post-test are used to measure mastery of objectives.

Robot System Operations and Simulation Competencies

  • Develop an understanding of Robot Smart 制造业 Concepts
  • Identify safety hazards and apply safe working practices when working with automated equipment.
  • Demonstrate ability to set up and jog a 6-axis robot.
  • Demonstrate an ability to appropriately start, operate, and shut down an industrial robotic cell.
  • Demonstrate an ability to effectively define tool center points (TCP).
  • Develop an understanding of the various coordinate systems used in robotic programming applications.
  • Demonstrate ability to backup and restore individual files and programs.
  • Demonstrate an ability to recover robot operation from common faults and errors.
  • Demonstrate an ability to monitor, force, and simulate robot inputs and outputs.
  • Create and execute MACRO’s commands within a robotic application.
  • Demonstrate an ability to create programs with a subroutine structure.
  • Demonstrate an ability to modify programmed positions.
  • Determine the function and use of simulations (RoboGuide)
  • Demonstrate knowledge of simulation screen layout
  • 制作机器人仿真模型
  • 慢跑机器人
  • 在仿真中定义零件和夹具
  • 创建机器人TP程序进行仿真
  • 创建模拟
  • 执行仿真程序
  • 将真实细胞与RoboGuide匹配
  • 在机器人之间转移


上课日期: 2024年3月18日- 5月10日
类满足: 星期一,星期三,星期五
上课时间: 上午8:00 - 11:00 -或下午4:30 - 7:30
成本: $1,250
地点: TechWorks校园 – 西田大道360号nue, Waterloo, Iowa




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